Safe Rides, Save Lives

2023-2024 PSA CONTEST
Empowered by FACTS (Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety) and sponsored by The National Road Safety Foundation, the Safe Rides Save Lives PSA contest is an opportunity for FCCLA members to engage in creating teen-friendly safe rides safety messaging through a video Public Service Announcement (PSA).
Have your students create a video PSA that is exactly 25 seconds on the topic of Passenger Self Advocacy.
You could win $3,500.
Cash prizes will be awarded directly to the individual or group of top three submissions:
1st Place: $3,500
2nd Place: $1,000
3rd Place: $500
Students may work individually or as part of a team. FCCLA will submit the winning PSA to the National Association of Broadcasters for use in national PSA outreach opportunities.
The goal involves passengers actively speaking up about any unsafe driving behaviors and emphasizes the responsibility of passengers to actively contribute to creating a safe environment during transportation, thereby reducing the risk of crashes and promoting overall traffic safety.
Use the resources on our Passenger Empowerment page to craft the video’s message. Be sure to review the official contest rules before you submit.
Video submissions for the 2023/2024 academic year are due by Tuesday, March 1, 2024.
To submit go to:
See 2022/2023's winning PSA "You Might Just Save Lives" at the top of the page.